Diving Awareness kurs på NUI - NUI
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Diving Awareness kurs på NUI

Diving Awareness kurs på NUI

13. og 14. mars NUI holdt et åpent “Diving Awareness” kurs med 8 deltakere fra AkerBP, Repsol og Subseapartner. Deltakernes tilbakemeldinger etter kurset var veldig positive.

Denne typen kurs er verdifull for ikke-dykkere å lære mer om fordelene og ulempene ved metningsdykking. De får litt praktisk erfaring i bassenget og får bo i kammersystemet for å få følelsen av hvordan livet er offshore ombord på en DSV.

Det neste åpne kurset er planlagt i oktober 2019.

Participants are in good hands with three instructors assisting during the practical dive exercise.
The dive supervisor has audio communication with the divers, and visual communication through the pool windows.
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Diving Awareness kurs på NUI

Diving Awareness Course completed

The 13th and 14th March NUI held an open diving awareness course with 8 participants from AkerBP, Repsol and Subseapartner. The participants feedback after the course completion was very positive.

This type of course is valuable for non-diving professionals to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of saturation diving. Together with some practical experience in the pool and living in the chamber system and to get the feel for how life is offshore onboard a DSV.

Next available open course is planned for mid October 2019.

Participants are in good hands with three instructors assisting during the practical dive exercise.
The dive supervisor has audio communication with the divers, and visual communication through the pool windows.
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