Author: Fredrik

NUI har sammen med Havforskningsinstituttet blitt tildelt midler fra Miljødirektoratet for å sammenligne tradisjonell prøvetaking av bunnsedimenter med NUI’s nye gasstette metode. Sediment prøvene vil bli analysert for organiske forbindelser, uorganiske gasser og metaller som kvikksølv. Testene vil bli utført høsten 2017, og vi regner med å...

NUI will like to welcome Anthony Aakre and Thomas Bauer to our pool of diving/ROV advisors. Both of them has extensive experience from the Diving Industry and will use their knowledge to support our clients in their sub-sea operations. For more information about our advisory services see...

All of us working with NUI wish all our clients and vendors an enjoyable summer holiday. The first half year has been very busy and exciting with a lot of technical testing, client work both on-and offshore, hyperbaric treatment, training and courses. We really look forward to...

We are happy to inform you that NUI  also conducts gauge calibration. Our technicians recently were involved with this service for a client’s new build DSV here in Norway. This further service  enhances and compliments  our available  services even more. Presently, we are conduction HBO treatment, Physical...

Nå leverer vi kurs i Nye Norske Dykke- og Behandlingstabeller (NDBT) som Webinar. Webinaret gjennomføres den 8.juni 2017 kl 0900- 1200. Generell info: I Norge brukes «Norske Dykke- og behandlingstabeller» (NDBT) for planlegging av dykk. NORSOK U-103 pålegger bruk av NDBT ved petroleumsrelatert dykking innaskjærs. Forskrift om utførelse av...

Vi ønsker Audun Bakke velkommen som ny dykketeknikker hos oss. Audun har fagbrev som industri mekaniker. Hans kunnskap og erfaring vil ytterligere styrke vårt høyst kompetente team av dykketeknikker. Velkommen på laget....

  We would like to welcome Audun Bakke as new Diving Technician at NUI. Audun has a Certificate of Apprenticeship in Industrial mechanic. His competence and experience will further strengthen our very competent team of Diving Technicians. Welcome to our team....

We are proud to announce that we have received DNV approval on our new Fathom communication- analysing- and monitoring system installed on our saturation chamber system. The Fathom systems are the most modern and sophisticated systems in the market for the time being, and are installed...