NUI hosting a meeting for “Industri Energi” to discuss the topic of supervisory responsibility for inshore diving - NUI
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NUI hosting a meeting for “Industri Energi” to discuss the topic of supervisory responsibility for inshore diving

NUI hosting a meeting for “Industri Energi” to discuss the topic of supervisory responsibility for inshore diving

On 29th May NUI hosted a meeting organized by “Industri Energi” to discuss the need to introduce “supervisory responsibility” for employers who are hiring inshore diving services.

This type of responsibility is well-known from offshore diving, but not an established standard for inshore diving. The objective of the meeting was to clarify whether it is desirable to establish a two-party cooperation and eventually a possible tri-party cooperation to examine the possibilities and consequences of introducing supervisory responsibility for inshore diving.

Supervisory responsibility will entail an obligation for the principal to follow up that the diving operation is carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This can be done according to the same principle as in the petroleum industry. However, simplifications may be necessary in relation to a short-term market and many different type of clients and work.

There was a good variety of industry-related speakers and listeners. In addition to comments from the industry, the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority and the Petroleum Inspection Authority a good introduction to the current status and what has been done to get to where we are today, and not least what challenges they see ahead.

Abyss Aqua provides an overview of their experiences and their achievements to reduce the number of non-conformances regards diving operations.

The Petroleum Inspection Authority provides a description of what they believe has to be done to improve the statistics for inshore diving

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